Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Bread and butter pudding

 Bread and butter pudding. (Egg less)

Generously apply butter to two slices of bread both sides. 

Place in oven proof dish

Apply generous layer of marmalade. 

Spread some raisins. 

Pour custard till bread immersed. 

Second layer of bread, butter, marmalade and raisins exactly as above. 

Pour custard till bread immersed. 

Oven (convection) full power 250 degrees till crispy golden on top. (30 to 40 minutes)



Previous evening- in a big jug. 

Finely cut 1 orange with scissors. 

1/2 orange peel finely chopped after scraping white bits

Finely chop 1/2 apple 

Grate lemon peel (zest) then finely chop remaining lemon. 

3tbsp sugar

Saffron may be added. 

Pour red wine to completely immerse the fruit. 

Leave overnight in fridge. 


Half glass above mix + crushed ice. Top up with sprite. (Add vodka for those who want a stiff drink)